Sunday, August 28, 2011

Drooling Raptors

I remember when we saw Belle, a Bald Eagle, drooling drops into eaglet Patty O'Joy's mouth. These pictures of the Black Vulture chick drooling reminded me of that.


  1. what great pictures! I'm so glad you got this opportunity to watch and help this vulture family!

  2. This was quite an experience for you and Kate.
    Well, it sure made me more aware of vultures.
    I can actually say he is cute! ♥

  3. I never thought I would want a webcam on a black vulture. Would love to watch them at your place Lori. You have done a special act by helping to feed and take care so that at least one was able to live and fledge. This has been wonderful in learning and I hope you can share more as you learn about them.


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