Sunday, June 26, 2011

Introducing Bobby and Alvin!

Finally, some pictures of these adorable little fuzz balls, Bobby and Alvin. Bobby is the one with the most white on his face, and Alvin has just a little white dot on his nose. They are foster kittens that we'll be keeping until they are neutered and adopted.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Black Vulture Babies - and Now There are Two!

The first Vulture chick is now 12 days old. Below is the first picture of both chicks together.

This is the first picture after the second chick hatched (above)

Isn't that sweet? Here the first chick is one week.

I took these (above & below) today, June 17. The
first chick was found June 5, so it's 12 days old here.
Black Vultures don't use nests. They lay their eggs on
the floor of an abandoned barn, shelter, or in a tree
stump, log, etc.

Here we have an angry parent, hissing and growling and
not letting me out of her sight!
Below:  She is coming down to protect her babies.  
Below, I enlarged the wings of the parent and I still can't
figure out what way she/he is facing and how the wings
fold back. They do have some pretty long feathers.
I have found many around in the woods.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

First BLACK VULTURE Chick is Born

Very exiciting evening here. Got lucky and happened to get pictures of the first Black Vulture chick which is as you can see still very new.  Thank God for the timing. The second egg, which I thought had pips on it, may or may not. The eggs do have splotches on them before hatching and this is my first vulture hatching!