Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More of Sunday March 20, 2011 Visit to Nest of Lib & Belle

10:36am - After disappearing for a while, Belle returns to the nest and comes in for a landing on the left side of the nest.
The Chase:  Twenty three seconds after Belle lands near the nest in the tree (see photo above), the Intruder lands in the tree.

Perspective picture above:  The nest tree with Belle on the left and Trudy Intruder high up on a branch to the right.
Below the the close-up view of the above picture.  Each eagle is staring at the other.

Above:  It was quite a happy moment when we realized that Lib had flown in.

Liberty in a familiar pose.  It's just so great to see our guy again.  We miss you Lib!

Lib and his bright breast feathers reflect off the sun...it was so bright it looked pink and I thought from the distance it was his brood patch!  Not a great photo but with every picture you can just tell it's Liberty and that is such a great feeling! 


  1. Wonderful, Lori!!!!You learned how to post just fine, too! Even with inserts!!!! TY!

  2. Many comments are under other pictures Lori.

  3. Lori... I'm not sure that is Lib. Too much brown on the head and no white on the tail.

    What do the others think?

    I really like the quality and balance of subjects in your photos. Great stuff.

  4. I just recently started following Belle and Liberty because my daughters kindergarten teacher was followimg them at school. Long story short, I have been obsessed with everything that is going on. I live in Hagersstown and would like to go over to Shepherdstown to see the site. I realize it is on the grounds of NCTC. However, can you see anything from a road anywhere close by? I would love to take photo's. Yours are amazing. I promised my daughter we could scrapbook a layout about PaddyOJoy and Belle and Liberty. any help or suggestions as to where to go to be able to see anything? My daughters teacher and I (I also teach at the same school, St. Mary Catholic School) would like to go together after school one day this week. Thanks for any insight or help!!

  5. wonderful pictures Lori.
    so nice to see Liberty

  6. Jim, about Liberty photo: Keep in mind this is from a great distance, zoomed in on my 300 lens and then enlarged. Not at all great photo conditions. It was also a cloudy day but sunny at this moment as you can tell by reflection on his chest feathers. I took the pics with the bright sun to my left (west) casting a dark shadow over his tail behind him. Megan was standing behind me looking in the binocs. Paula was on the road and also saw Lib fly in and land on the branch. I am no expert, but I do consider Paula and Megan experts. I'll pull the photo if they think I got it out of sequence. Thanks for your opinion. I'm really about "Just the facts ma'am," so I appreciate it. :)

  7. Great photos, Lori. We saw Lib that day for sure.


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